Keanu Reeves Is an Alien, and We Should All Be One, Too
The four basic things I learned from someone I haven’t even met

Keanu Reeves is an alien.
Why? Because his kind of people is either about to go extinct or non-existent.
In a world full of hate, violence, crime, when I go to the internet, I feel sad. Irritated. Angry. Lost. I feel just as lost as the next person. I quickly turn off the browser and try to do something else. Something positive.
That was an hour ago. A half-hour later I go to Tim Denning’s profile and see his pinned article about quiet people. I read it having a tear in my eye.
I explore and read about Keanu’s life, watch his videos online and find the jaw-dropping ending of the interview he did with Stephen Colbert.
Kindness Wins at the End
Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but one thing that strikes me about Keanu is his ‘hope’.
You can see after whatever he has been through, he is still hopeful and kind. Not just for himself, but for us — his fans.
No one knows much about his private life, and that’s none of our business, to begin with. Neither is it needed.
His kindness shows through and I fucking love that.
Sit Down And Be Humble
Four years ago, when I played video games online with all my might, I would feel at the top of the world when I won. I would even rub it into my opponents with a message called: Tee-bag.
I know. I’m not proud.
Well, that was until life hit me.
Every interview I’ve seen of Keanu, I could barely see him talking about himself. Anyone but him. Everyone on the film crew but him.
That’s it. Part of the reason why I’m falling in love with Keanu Reeves is his humbleness and how it forces me to look inward again.
Be Pure over Famous
Have I met the guy? No.
Would I love to? Hell yeah!
Most of the fan videos, I saw him in are just… pure. He is generous not just with his time but when you hear him speak, you feel like you are talking to an alien.
Someone who takes his time.
Someone who would listen.
Someone who would understand.
Someone who can change your life with just one truth bomb. When Colbert asked him, “What happens when we die, Keanu?”
Keanu listened, took it in, thought, and replied; ‘Those who love us will miss us.”
He hasn’t let even a percent of fame get to him.
Let’s try that for ourselves. Stop prioritizing vanity metrics.
If you died yesterday and you were allowed to look back at your life, you wouldn’t give a rat’s ass for the number of likes or followers you got. You would go and look at the good moments and cherish them.
Create those moments for yourself.
He is Simple
The biggest factor playing in why Keanu might seem like an alien is that he is insanely simple.
He doesn't care for the riches.
He donates a lot and decides to travel on the subway.
He does the basic stuff and he is content with it.
Sometimes, to stand out from the general crowd, all you have to do is the uncommon stuff: go simple.
Yes, there is a lot of bad crap happening in the world right now. A lot of bad luck, too.
But you should not take part in it. Instead, be kind, be brave, inspire, entertain, make someone laugh, make someone go through the happiest emotions you can find.
Or as Keanu would put it, be “breathtaking” in every way you would want to see in someone else.
Be like Keanu.